Rand at 100 (March 2005)
Loved, hated, and always controversial, the best-selling author
of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged is more
relevant than ever. |
Women Want
(July 2001)
Feminism seeks new adherents-and old goals. Reviews of: Manifesta:
Young Women, Feminism, and the Future, by Jennifer Baumgardner
and Amy Richards; Sex & Power, by Susan Estrich Flux:
Women on Sex, Work, Love, Kids, and Life in a Half-Changed World,
by Peggy Orenstein. |
Talk (January 2001)
The First Amendment vs. freedom of speech. |
the Boys Are (February 2001)
Is America shortchanging male children? |
The Mommy Wars (July 2000)
Why feminists and conservatives just don't get modern motherhood.
Man Question (March 2000)
Reviews of Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Male,
by Susan Faludi, and Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say,
by Warren Farrell
Reason, March 2000 |
Her Roar (August-September 1999)
Review of Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand |
& Sensibility (March 1999)
The first victim of the gender wars is common sense. |
Will Toward Men (February 1999)
Review of Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of
Feminism, by Daphne Patai. |
Toward Sanity (August-September 1998)
Why the Clinton sex scandals are changing the way we discuss sexual
harassment. |
on the Verge (April 1998)
Feminist and anti-feminist follies. Review of Speaking of
Sex by Deborah Rhode and Domestic Tranquility by
F. Carolyn Graglia. |
Violations (February 1998)
The war against spouse abuse runs roughshod over rights and common
sense. |
Traces (July 1997) The Lipstick Proviso:
Women, Sex & Power in the Real World, by Karen Lehrman.
Troubles (July 1994)
Is the men's movement merely feminism with a scratchy face? |
Opposition (March 1993)
Division among Russia's reformers. |
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What We Owe Xena
(September 15, 2005)
Ten years ago the Warrior Princess stormed the small screen, leading the
way for the "girl power" that followed. |
much should we know about the sex life of Kobe Bryant's accuser?
(March 26, 2004)
Rape shield laws were created to protect victims from having their
sex lives used against them in court. But where's the line between
protections for victims and the constitutional rights of defendants?
and lies (May 3, 2001)
The most pernicious thing about racial preferences is the culture
of concealment that they spawn. |
and science (April 12, 2001)
Are women discriminated against in the lab? Or are gender imbalances
due to intellectual differences? |
good reason to vote for Bush (October 27, 2000)
Social Security is on its last legs, and the limited privatization
backed by the GOP candidate can save it. But Al Gore won't even
admit there's a problem. |
Man's right to choose (October 19, 2000)
Is it fair that women have reproductive rights while men have
reproductive responsibilities? |
Bad News (October 3, 2000)
After conducting a massive 25-year study, Judith Wallerstein concludes
that children of divorce are hit hardest after they grow up. |
gender wars (September 20, 2000)
First came the whining feminists. Next, the inevitable male backlash.
Health research has become a casualty of the battle between the
sexes. |
no angels (August 26, 2000)
Is women's basketball a kinder, gentler game? The WNBA shows that
women aren't nicer than men -- but they aren't better, either.
anti-child revolt (July 31, 2000)
You people make me sick. |
players or tolls of the patriarchy (July 7, 2000)
Women often are supplying the muscle behind the fathers' rights
movement. |
payback time (June 21, 2001)
In "The War Against Boys," author Christina Hoff Sommers
claims that unfair programs to empower girls have taken a toll
on boys. |
mama lion at the gate (June 12, 2000)
Maternal chauvinism is a dad's greatest obstacle to parental parity. |
and the death chamber (May 4, 2000)
Chivalry lives when a woman must die. |
Elian should stay in the U.S. (March 24, 2000)
Growing up as "state property" in the Soviet Union convinced
me that freedom is as crucial as a father's love. |
liberals lie about guns (March 13, 2000)
Zealots are polarizing the debate over how to stop violent crime
-- and whether firearms can help. |
with the old and in with the new (January 21, 2000)
Feminism of every stripe has failed. It's time for a gender equality
movement. |
below the belt (October 25, 1999)
Easy to get, hellish to deal with, restraining orders have become
the ultimate weapon in domestic disputes. |
the boys are (July 10, 1999)
The rise in popularity of women's sports highlights paradoxical
intersections between athletics andfeminism. |
says women never lie about rape? (March 10, 1999)
The "believe the woman" zealotry promoted by Juanita
Broaddrick's defenders is bad for feminism. |
Do Women Want? (October 6, 1998)
Cathy Young reviews 'What Do Women Want?' by Erica Jong.
In the Outhouse (March 3, 1997)
The battle over "Larry Flynt" gets smellier and smellier.The
opponents in the debate over Milos Forman's film deserve each
other. |
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(March 19, 2001)
The men's rights movement takes on the NIH. |
(April 12, 1999)
Conservative confusion on feminism. |
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The Pathfinder: Review of: BETTY FRIEDAN: Her Life (May 1999)
Book review. |
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Hypocrites (November 9, 1998)
Sexual-harassment law has new-found friends. |
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